The CAPEJ project
The Erasmus+ funded project Research and Action for Emancipatory Policies with Youth - CAPEJ, conducted from September 2020 to December 2022, brought together three partners, a child protection structure (SEAS in Chambéry) and two Belgian and French research institutes (OEJAJ in Brussels and LERIS in Montpellier), around a common challenge: to strengthen the emancipation of youth actors and young people by equipping them with skills to act in order to design new educational practices/policies.

After a first phase of capitalization on action-research methodologies, we synthesized and elaborated an action-research approach that could be appropriated by professionals and young people around three important axes in this project: participation, emancipation and action research. Syntheses and video clips clarify these concepts in order to free oneself from representations and constitute an introduction to the project.
Professionals were trained to accompany these action-research projects in April 2022 in Belgium, and then tested the methodology and tools with nearly fifty young people from the three territories in Savoie during a week in July 2022. These young people, boys and girls, used or not to participatory approaches where they are asked to think deeply, were able to test the pedagogical kit that you will find here. They were able to develop in-depth reflections, to conduct research for action on the subjects that had emerged from their work: violence against women, taking emotions into account in society, negative representations of young people in the neighborhoods, difficulties in the transitions towards autonomy. Both the professionals and the young people were able to find in these approaches another way of working together and taking their place in society, discovering their skills and feeling recognized in their citizenship.
Vous trouverez dans ce site la démarche générale et les outils pour conduire des recherches-actions avec des jeunes. Cette démarche se décline en 7 étapes, et pour chacune de celles-ci, une « fiche-étape » présente les objectifs et enjeux de l’étape, ainsi qu’un déroulé renvoyant vers des outils concrets pour opérationnaliser, mettre en œuvre l’étape. Nous restons à votre disposition pour vous conseiller dans sa mise en œuvre. Bonne visite !

Project retrospective...